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State Gas Prices Remain Flat For Week

Weekly Fuel Prices Report

The state’s average price for regular gasoline remained unchanged compared to a week ago, but it has increased by a penny compared to yesterday, according to the AAA Hawaii Weekend Gas Watch. Locally, gas prices have shown a similar pattern – either remaining flat or increasing slightly compared to last week, but increasing from yesterday. The Hawaii state average for regular unleaded is $4.33 per gallon, which is the same as last week, four cents more than last month and three cents less than on this day last year.

Honolulu’s average price is unchanged for six weeks at $4.24 a gallon for regular unleaded – also unchanged from last month and a penny less from a year ago. In Hilo, the average gas price is $4.27 per gallon, unchanged from last week, 13 cents less than last month and two cents more than this time a year ago.  Wailuku’s average is $4.55 a gallon, a penny higher than last week four cents below last month and 23 cents more than the price last year.  

The average price of a gallon of gasoline as of Aug. 29:



One Week Change

Record Price



No Change

 $4.48   (5/8/2011)



No Change

 $4.76   (4/22/2012)



+1 cent

 $4.98   (5/9/2011)

AAA Hawaii Weekend Gas Watch is a weekly snapshot of gas prices.  Price comparisons are offered as a service.  Prices are derived from fleet vehicle credit card transactions at more than 100,000 stations around the country.  Prices shown are combined averages of last card swipe of previous day. 

Media Contacts

Liane Sumida

CST 1016202-80 Copyright © AAA Hawai'i, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
AAA Hawai'i is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the state of Hawai'i.