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New 2014 Heights For Gas Prices

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The Hawaii state gas price average moved up for the eighth straight week, while Honolulu’s average price is at $4.25 a gallon for the first time since June 1 of last year, according to the AAA Hawaii Weekend Gas Watch.  The $4.30 state average is five cents more than last Thursday, 15 cents more than last month and nine cents less than on this day last year. The last time the state average was at $4.30 was in September 2013.


Honolulu’s average price is $4.25 a gallon for regular unleaded – a nickel more than last week, 18 cents more than last month and 11 cents less than a year ago. In Hilo, the average gas price is $4.12 per gallon,  unchanged from last week, four cents more than last month and 26 cents less than this time a year ago.  Wailuku’s average is $4.40 a gallon, three cents more than last Thursday, 12 cents more than last month and 14 cents less on this day last year. 


“Gas prices are increasing throughout the U.S. as well, but at the moment the only states with average prices above $4 a gallon are Hawaii and California,” said AAA Hawaii General Manager Liane Sumida.  


The average price of a gallon of gasoline as of April 10:    



One Week Change

Record Price











+5 cents


 $4.48   (5/8/2011)










No Change


 $4.76   (4/22/2012)










+3 cents


 $4.98   (5/9/2011)


CST 1016202-80 Copyright © AAA Hawai'i, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
AAA Hawai'i is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the state of Hawai'i.