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AAA Hawaii: Gas Prices Rise In Many Areas

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Photo by Dean Hochman deanhochman/ licenses/by/4.0/

Gas prices statewide increased in the last week in almost every major metro area except Honolulu, according to the AAA Hawaii Weekend Gas Watch. The statewide average price for regular unleaded is $4.69, one cent higher than last week. The national average gas price is $3.50, four cents lower than last week. 

In Honolulu, today’s average price for regular unleaded is $4.54, one cent lower than last week and one cent lower than last year. The Hilo average gas price is $4.88, which is five cents higher than last week and twelve cents higher than a year ago.

In Kahului, the average price of $4.73 is three cents higher than last week and six cents lower than a year ago. Lihue’s average price is $5.28, which is 10 cents higher than last week and nine cents higher than a year ago.

“Gas prices in most Hawaii areas are very similar to California this week, where the statewide average price is $4.71," said Liane Sumida, AAA Hawaii general manager. AAA members can take advantage of discounted gas prices at participating Shell gas stations by joining the Shell Fuel Rewards® program.

Prices as of 9 a.m., July 18th:



Media Contacts

Gianella Ghiglino
Public Affairs Specialist
(818) 939-9851

CST 1016202-80 Copyright © AAA Hawai'i, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
AAA Hawai'i is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the state of Hawai'i.