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AAA Hawaii: Gas Prices Move Down Slightly

Fuel Gauge by Paul Schadler
Photo by Paul Schadler photos/pschadler/ licenses/by/4.0/

Gas prices dropped slightly in most areas over the past week, according to the AAA Hawaii Weekend Gas Watch. The statewide average price for regular unleaded is $4.65, which is two cents lower than last week. The national average gas price is $3.38, which is six cents lower than last week.

In Honolulu, today’s average price for regular unleaded is $4.49, which is two cents lower than last week and 17 cents lower than the price on this date last year. The Hilo average gas price is $4.85, which is one cent lower than last week and one cent higher than on this date a year ago.

In Kahului, the average price of $4.71 is the same as last week and 11 cents lower than a year ago. Lihue’s average price for regular is $5.25, which is one cent lower than last week and four cents lower than a year ago.

“Hawaii drivers planning Labor Day road trips will be paying less at the pump in most areas than last year,” said Liane Sumida, AAA Hawaii general manager. “AAA Hawaii encourages drivers to save even more on fuel costs by packing all luggage inside the vehicle rather than using overhead luggage racks, obeying speed limits and making sure tires are properly inflated before hitting the road.”

AAA members can take advantage of discounted gas prices at participating Shell gas stations by joining the Shell Fuel Rewards® program.

Prices as of 6 a.m., Aug. 22:

HI Gas blue chart 8-22-24


Media Contacts

Marie Montgomery
Public Affairs

CST 1016202-80 Copyright © AAA Hawai'i, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
AAA Hawai'i is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the state of Hawai'i.